Superhard Cutting Edge Quality

Crafts Technology employs high-tech manufacturing to produce tooling and designs that feature the highest quality cutting edges for AFP and ATL blades made of CraftAlloy™ tungsten carbide or superhard steels, which are fabricated to reduce friction, eliminate fiber build-up, and extend wear life.

Our fabrication processes focus on each of the following:

  • Cutting Angle
  • Relief Angle
  • Compound Angle
  • Surface Finish of Each Cutting Plane

Innovative Design Approach

We develop novel designs that blend ergonomics and functionality with design for manufacturability to suit your application, including easily replaceable style inserts that optimize machine uptime.

Put our skills to the test, and let our engineering team analyze your current cutting module to determine the possibilities.

Refurbishing – Value Stream Engineering

Tooling life can be dramatically increased through the refurbishing of precision components and sub-assemblies.

We can develop a custom refurbishing system for your application that delivers significant cost savings with no negative effect on performance.

Our system provides an analysis of every stage of the value stream from Just-In-Time [JIT] inventory management to packaging and ergonomics of tooling returns and replacements.

Discover the possibilities.


Proprietary coatings available that further enhance the cost per cut and reduce downtime.

  • Reduce Friction
  • Negate Fiber Build Up
  • Enhance Cutter Life

Receive Detailed Information on Crafts Technology Capabilities
& Innovations in Fiber Placement Tooling & Solutions


Included in the email:

Crafts Technology SuperHard Material Properties Guide

Our Engineering Team is standing by, ready to discuss your application!